The last couple nights I have been wanting to blog greatly. I guess I'm struggling with how to get my thoughts out on paper, or in this case, a screen for the entire world to read.
As followers of Christ, we all go through suffering. We just experience different types of suffering. Yet, Paul writes of the hope that we have through our sufferings. He writes that we should expect the fact that as Christians, we are suffering the world, we are seen as desperate, helpless, wrecked and finished. Yet, to God, we are seen as hopeful, strong, joyful and fruitful through our perseverance and steadfast faith. Through Christ, we have the eternal crown of glory to hold onto, even through our darkest hours.
1 Peter 5:9-10 states "Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same suffering are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you."
Our sufferings form us into the people we were created to be. If it wasn't for our sufferings, we wouldn't understand how great the Father's love is for us. Suffering has only produced endurance within me and has made me realize how strong I truly am through Christ. It is such a beautiful promise and such an amazing hope to know that we suffer to receive the eternal crown of glory.
I have been through a lot, but it's nothing compared to what God did for me. He suffered so that I as His suffering servant would no longer have to suffer. Today, I can rejoice. Today, I have victory. Today, I have been made new.
There is a new song in my heart. Faith is the most important aspect of Christianity. For us to receive the victory, we have to first believe that we have the victory. Now, we sometimes think that is easier said than done. Listen, all who are weary, come to the Father. Jesus declares in Mark 9:23 that "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."
I can't help but smile after reading that verse. I believe that promise for my life and trust Him entirely. His plan has proved time and time again that it is only forming me into the daughter that He wants me to be. I rejoice in my sufferings, because I know that through perseverance, it will only create me to be a stronger individual and a greater disciple to tell all what the Lord has done for me.
The fact that I am able to write such words as these is due to the work of God. This is a small picture of His grace, because He kept me and delivered me. He brought me out of many sufferings so that I could tell many people what God has done for me. A few years a go, this blog post could not have been written. So, to the one who is feeling discouraged in times of trial, press on. God is going to do an amazing work in you and will give you an INDIVIDUAL TESTIMONY that will allow you to only further the Kingdom of God.
Keep the faith and don't lose sight of the eternal prize of glory. Smile, because you have a Father who loves you despite the battlefields that you have been on. His patience and persistence is a Father's love that can't even be put into words. "For when I am weak, then I am strong." Through God alone, we don't have to let the sufferings of the world destroy us, because we already have claimed our victory and can rejoice in the eternal prize, rather than the temporal. I am amazed at what a mighty God we serve. When you come out of the battle, I promise that you will be amazed at what God has done in your life. One can only come out stronger and closer to God through sufferings and great trial. It begins with faith and our acceptance of His grace.
"So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18
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