Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Authenticity through Christ.

Apostolic Authenticity.

As an Apostolic Pentecostal young lady, I get asked many questions. There are so many questions that used to make me uncomfortable. Now, I am able to answer any questions with a smile, because I have discovered who I am in Christ. My outward appearance doesn't define me whatsoever, but it is the innermost part of my heart. 

What makes me want to stand out is not that I choose to dress a certain way, but rather, I want to stand out as someone who has chosen to give up her life for the Kingdom of God. As disciples of Christ, we are made to leave behind our old ways and not only listen to the instructions given by God, but to actively live out those instructions and furthermore go forth and make more disciples. It is a complete act of surrender.

When I was a little girl, wearing only skirts and not cutting my hair was a religious affiliation to me. I didn't quite understand everything that I was being taught. 
My parents divorced and I moved into a home that had no dress regulations. I wasn't going to church and my friends at school were encouraging me to try new things. Needless to say, I was a thirteen year old girl who didn't know who I was. The things of the world weren't satisfying me. There was a void in my heart and it was more than the fact that I was living in a broken home.

Yet, I soon discovered God's grace and began to establish my own beliefs. I have been completely changed from the person I was just a few short years a go. Now, I am so confident in my skin as I get ready to turn nineteen in just a few weeks. 

1 Corinthians 11:14-15 states, "Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering." 

The sole reason why I don't cut my hair is because it is my glory unto God. When people ask why I have long hair, I reply that it is a part of using something natural as an act of praise unto God. It separates me from man, because I believe that while woman was created for man, a woman also has a very powerful call in ministry that can be used separately from man. But, don't get me wrong. I also believe that man and woman can be used in even more powerful ways when the two are together. This is a subject that I could write an entire different blog post on. 

Furthermore, the Bible tells us that in everything we do, do it to glorify God. EVERYTHING. 

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 
I Corinthians 6:19-20

It is for this very reason that I dress modestly, and my definition of modesty may be different from many other people, but I dress the way I do because just as the Word of God states, I believe that our bodies are a temple of God. 

When I wear skirts, I'm not only dressing in the way that I believe God intended for females to dress, as woman should be set apart from man physically speaking, but I furthermore dress the way that I do to receive respect from men and those around me. I want to honor God with my body and live in such a way that will continue to be so once I'm married.

God created woman for man. I want a man to see me for my authenticity, rather than anything else. When someone asked me what I look for in a guy, I replied with a simple answer. 
I want a guy who loves God more than me. When I say this, I say it with true genuineness, because to be honest, I can't help but laugh a little. It might take a lot for someone to capture my heart, because I'm so deeply in love with Jesus. I'm so deeply in love with Him and it is for this very reason that I embrace my apostolic authenticity. 

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