Thursday, May 23, 2013

Denim and Coffee. Hipster?

I'm convinced that my hot tea or coffee tastes even better when I'm wearing a cozy denim shirt.

This brings us to today's topic.
I love vintage, if you haven't realized yet. 
But, what is vintage?
And what defines a hipster? I feel that term is over used. 

For fun, I thought I would look it up. Prepare to smile or laugh, especially if you, yourself are a hipster or know someone who is a hipster. So, a hipster is supposed to be someone who goes against the trends and culture, but 90% of the students at APU are hipsters. (I'm sure of it.) So, maybe we need a new term. 
According to Google,
1. A hipster shops at thrift stores.
2.  They wear high wasted shorts, skirts, etc.
3. You wear glasses.
4. You wear ironic tops. Ironic? I furthermore read to realize that apparently the term ironic refers to denim, plaids, paisley, or floral prints.
5. As a lady hipster, you wear floral or lace dresses, with most of them looking like they came out of your grandma's closet.
6. A hipster wears hipster shoes. I guess you have to figure that one out for your self. 
7. Accessorize. This includes oversized floral headbands, pins, patterned leggings/tights and random scarfs.
8. A hipster mismatches and layers.
9. A hipster can be put together, but also enjoys messy hair.

So, apparently this is what a hipster looks like. I had a good laugh.
Do I shop at thrift shops? Yes. Do I wear high wasted skirts? Yes. Do I wear style glasses? Yes. Do I enjoy floral prints and quirky shirts? Of course. Floral and lace dresses? Why, yes. Hipster shoes? I don't know what defines hipster shoes, that's why I can't help but laugh, but I wear oxfords. That's all. Do I accessorize with headbands and scarfs? Every day. Mismatch and layer? Cardigans and mismatched scarfs for the win. Messy hair? I sport messy buns.

Apparently, Google also has tips for youngsters who want to become a hipster. Seriously? This might be the best article I have ever read in my life. I didn't even know people look this up on Google.
I just have to share a few of these with you from the article I read.

1. A female hipster loves to use Blogspot. Well, I guess every person that blogs is now a hipster? Oh, wait. The sentence didn't stop there. It continued to state that a female hipster loves tumblr and instagram. Specifically,  their Instagram feed has a soft, vintage feel. 
Let's stream through some of my photos...


Google really just makes it even better. According to Google, Hipsters buy apple products, play a musical instrument and form their own bands, enjoy geeky subjects and listen to independent music. They love Whole Foods and spend a good amount of time in  coffee shoppes. Photography and writing: they like those things too. Let's just say the list goes on and on. 

And the article concludes by saying to prepare for the criticism you will receive as a hipster. Well, I don't think Google knows what it is talking about. 
Embrace who you are and go have a cup of coffee with the other 1 billion hipsters.
I know I will.

And remember,

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