Thursday, May 23, 2013

Denim and Coffee. Hipster?

I'm convinced that my hot tea or coffee tastes even better when I'm wearing a cozy denim shirt.

This brings us to today's topic.
I love vintage, if you haven't realized yet. 
But, what is vintage?
And what defines a hipster? I feel that term is over used. 

For fun, I thought I would look it up. Prepare to smile or laugh, especially if you, yourself are a hipster or know someone who is a hipster. So, a hipster is supposed to be someone who goes against the trends and culture, but 90% of the students at APU are hipsters. (I'm sure of it.) So, maybe we need a new term. 
According to Google,
1. A hipster shops at thrift stores.
2.  They wear high wasted shorts, skirts, etc.
3. You wear glasses.
4. You wear ironic tops. Ironic? I furthermore read to realize that apparently the term ironic refers to denim, plaids, paisley, or floral prints.
5. As a lady hipster, you wear floral or lace dresses, with most of them looking like they came out of your grandma's closet.
6. A hipster wears hipster shoes. I guess you have to figure that one out for your self. 
7. Accessorize. This includes oversized floral headbands, pins, patterned leggings/tights and random scarfs.
8. A hipster mismatches and layers.
9. A hipster can be put together, but also enjoys messy hair.

So, apparently this is what a hipster looks like. I had a good laugh.
Do I shop at thrift shops? Yes. Do I wear high wasted skirts? Yes. Do I wear style glasses? Yes. Do I enjoy floral prints and quirky shirts? Of course. Floral and lace dresses? Why, yes. Hipster shoes? I don't know what defines hipster shoes, that's why I can't help but laugh, but I wear oxfords. That's all. Do I accessorize with headbands and scarfs? Every day. Mismatch and layer? Cardigans and mismatched scarfs for the win. Messy hair? I sport messy buns.

Apparently, Google also has tips for youngsters who want to become a hipster. Seriously? This might be the best article I have ever read in my life. I didn't even know people look this up on Google.
I just have to share a few of these with you from the article I read.

1. A female hipster loves to use Blogspot. Well, I guess every person that blogs is now a hipster? Oh, wait. The sentence didn't stop there. It continued to state that a female hipster loves tumblr and instagram. Specifically,  their Instagram feed has a soft, vintage feel. 
Let's stream through some of my photos...


Google really just makes it even better. According to Google, Hipsters buy apple products, play a musical instrument and form their own bands, enjoy geeky subjects and listen to independent music. They love Whole Foods and spend a good amount of time in  coffee shoppes. Photography and writing: they like those things too. Let's just say the list goes on and on. 

And the article concludes by saying to prepare for the criticism you will receive as a hipster. Well, I don't think Google knows what it is talking about. 
Embrace who you are and go have a cup of coffee with the other 1 billion hipsters.
I know I will.

And remember,

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Steadfast Faith.

The last couple nights I have been wanting to blog greatly. I guess I'm struggling with how to get my thoughts out on paper, or in this case, a screen for the entire world to read.

As followers of Christ, we all go through suffering. We just experience different types of suffering. Yet, Paul writes of the hope that we have through our sufferings. He writes that we should expect the fact that as Christians, we are suffering the world, we are seen as desperate, helpless, wrecked and finished. Yet, to God, we are seen as hopeful, strong, joyful and fruitful through our perseverance and steadfast faith. Through Christ, we have the eternal crown of glory to hold onto, even through our darkest hours.

1 Peter 5:9-10 states "Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same suffering are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you."

Our sufferings form us into the people we were created to be. If it wasn't for our sufferings, we wouldn't understand how great the Father's love is for us. Suffering has only produced endurance within me and has made me realize how strong I truly am through Christ. It is such a beautiful promise and such an amazing hope to know that we suffer to receive the eternal crown of glory.

I have been through a lot, but it's nothing compared to what God did for me. He suffered so that I as His suffering servant would no longer have to suffer. Today, I can rejoice. Today, I have victory. Today, I have been made new.

There is a new song in my heart. Faith is the most important aspect of Christianity. For us to receive the victory, we have to first believe that we have the victory. Now, we sometimes think that is easier said than done. Listen, all who are weary, come to the Father. Jesus declares in Mark 9:23 that "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

I can't help but smile after reading that verse. I believe that promise for my life and trust Him entirely. His plan has proved time and time again that it is only forming me into the daughter that He wants me to be. I rejoice in my sufferings, because I know that through perseverance, it will only create me to be a stronger individual and a greater disciple to tell all what the Lord has done for me.

The fact that I am able to write such words as these is due to the work of God. This is a small picture of His grace, because He kept me and delivered me. He brought me out of many sufferings so that I could tell many people what God has done for me. A few years a go, this blog post could not have been written. So, to the one who is feeling discouraged in times of trial, press on. God is going to do an amazing work in you and will give you an INDIVIDUAL TESTIMONY that will allow you to only further the Kingdom of God.

Keep the faith and don't lose sight of the eternal prize of glory. Smile, because you have a Father who loves you despite the battlefields that you have been on. His patience and persistence is a Father's love that can't even be put into words. "For when I am weak, then I am strong." Through God alone, we don't have to let the sufferings of the world destroy us, because we already have claimed our victory and can rejoice in the eternal prize, rather than the temporal. I am amazed at what a mighty God we serve. When you come out of the battle, I promise that you will be amazed at what God has done in your life. One can only come out stronger and closer to God through sufferings and great trial. It begins with faith and our acceptance of His grace.

"So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Authenticity through Christ.

Apostolic Authenticity.

As an Apostolic Pentecostal young lady, I get asked many questions. There are so many questions that used to make me uncomfortable. Now, I am able to answer any questions with a smile, because I have discovered who I am in Christ. My outward appearance doesn't define me whatsoever, but it is the innermost part of my heart. 

What makes me want to stand out is not that I choose to dress a certain way, but rather, I want to stand out as someone who has chosen to give up her life for the Kingdom of God. As disciples of Christ, we are made to leave behind our old ways and not only listen to the instructions given by God, but to actively live out those instructions and furthermore go forth and make more disciples. It is a complete act of surrender.

When I was a little girl, wearing only skirts and not cutting my hair was a religious affiliation to me. I didn't quite understand everything that I was being taught. 
My parents divorced and I moved into a home that had no dress regulations. I wasn't going to church and my friends at school were encouraging me to try new things. Needless to say, I was a thirteen year old girl who didn't know who I was. The things of the world weren't satisfying me. There was a void in my heart and it was more than the fact that I was living in a broken home.

Yet, I soon discovered God's grace and began to establish my own beliefs. I have been completely changed from the person I was just a few short years a go. Now, I am so confident in my skin as I get ready to turn nineteen in just a few weeks. 

1 Corinthians 11:14-15 states, "Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering." 

The sole reason why I don't cut my hair is because it is my glory unto God. When people ask why I have long hair, I reply that it is a part of using something natural as an act of praise unto God. It separates me from man, because I believe that while woman was created for man, a woman also has a very powerful call in ministry that can be used separately from man. But, don't get me wrong. I also believe that man and woman can be used in even more powerful ways when the two are together. This is a subject that I could write an entire different blog post on. 

Furthermore, the Bible tells us that in everything we do, do it to glorify God. EVERYTHING. 

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 
I Corinthians 6:19-20

It is for this very reason that I dress modestly, and my definition of modesty may be different from many other people, but I dress the way I do because just as the Word of God states, I believe that our bodies are a temple of God. 

When I wear skirts, I'm not only dressing in the way that I believe God intended for females to dress, as woman should be set apart from man physically speaking, but I furthermore dress the way that I do to receive respect from men and those around me. I want to honor God with my body and live in such a way that will continue to be so once I'm married.

God created woman for man. I want a man to see me for my authenticity, rather than anything else. When someone asked me what I look for in a guy, I replied with a simple answer. 
I want a guy who loves God more than me. When I say this, I say it with true genuineness, because to be honest, I can't help but laugh a little. It might take a lot for someone to capture my heart, because I'm so deeply in love with Jesus. I'm so deeply in love with Him and it is for this very reason that I embrace my apostolic authenticity. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reminiscing Through the Words of C.S. Lewis

"God can't give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing."
C.S. Lewis

It has been over a month since I have blogged and my excuse is pretty acceptable. Well, maybe not, but the fact is that I was literally buried in homework. I couldn't see my desk as I had to write 12 papers in a little over a week and a half. Then, there was studying for finals and saying goodbye to an amazing freshman year. 

I am still in disbelief as I realize the inevitable has happened. My freshman year of college has officially ended and I am back home, getting ready to start a summer job. Not even a book could fill up everything that God has taught me this past year. I have grown in ways that I didn't know were possible, but God was relentless with me. He pushed me and taught me that in order to live a true life as His disciple, I have to be forced into uncomfortable places. When I first stepped foot on Azusa Pacific University's campus last September, I was uncomfortable. Fear, nerves, adrenaline and questions inhabited my entire being. Little did I know the many surprises that God was going to give me at every corner I seemed to turn. It proved to be a year of new beginnings and momentous growth.

I believe C.S. Lewis put it best when He states that our peace and happiness comes from God alone. It doesn't come from other things, but Him alone. My life has been so transformed. A day without Him isn't even possible. We were created for another world and thus, the provisions of this world don't even compare to the greatest provision. 

With God, I have discovered true happiness. I have discovered that everything is in His hands and that I have been created to be a strong woman because of His purpose. For anyone who personally knows me, you would know that these last few years have been quite difficult. It has been a storm that I never expected I would have to enter. Yet, I have come to the realization that God loves me unconditionally and truly does want the best for me. 

God has created me to be a disciple for His Kingdom. With this, comes great sacrifice and discipline. Yet, I have surrendered everything and have been taken aback by the work He has allowed me to be a part of for the furthering of His kingdom. 

A year a go, I chose Azusa Pacific University as my college. Today, I realize that God chose Azusa Pacific University as my college. He knew what He was doing when He placed me in Southern California. I am a completely different person from last year and am even more excited to see what God is going to do in my life for Sophomore year. 

"There are far, far better things ahead than any we left behind."
C.S. Lewis

The truth is spoken through C.S. Lewis as God declares that over our lives in His Truth. While I hold onto this for the next few years that I have at APU, I wanted to take the moment to reflect on a year full of surprises and endless blessings. 

"Love is something more stern and splendid than kindness."
C.S. Lewis

Adams 2nd East exemplifies Seamless Unity. Each one of these ladies is beautiful on the inside and out. We were specifically chosen to be a part of Amanda Kenney's hall. My RA selflessly gave of herself and invested so much into me that has inspired me to be more like her. There is an unspeakable love that I hold for each of these girls. 

"We meet no ordinary people in our lives."
C.S. Lewis

Krysta Nikohl Friesen. My roommate who shared Adams 230 with me. Our friendship is hard to describe as I can only say, it is far from ordinary. God placed us together so that we could be a rock for one another. I was a part of something absolutely extraORDINARY this year, for God pushed her beyond her limits as I watched her grow into a strong woman of God. Both of us have discovered that we are the pure daughters of Zion. As I watched her life transform, my life was transformed at the same time. 
God has brought us to life.

"Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
C.S. Lewis

This is exactly how my friendship started with both Kristen Elaine Phillips and Riley Jean Angell.
I can simply say that they have uplifted me in ways more than one. Our similar passions and dreams proves that God knew all along that the three of us would become great friends.
And just as God surprised me with each of their friendships, He has surprised me with a number of others.

"When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given its place."
C.S. Lewis

As I moved six hours away from my home church, I trusted that God would provide another blessing in my life. Again, he surprised me as my church family has been a greater blessing than I could have ever prepared myself for. I have never laughed so hard with such a fun group and have constantly been supported by their prayers and uplifting words. Life Church was exactly what I needed when I moved to Azusa as I am proud to now call it my home church. 

"My own eyes are not enough for me; I will see through those of others."
C.S. Lewis

The lovely Rachel Westerhoff.
I love this girl so much. Even though years separate us in age, I never feel like I'm so much younger than her. God is one of provision and I know God specifically picked her to be my friend. Her wisdom, wit and support is something that I will be forever grateful for. 

"You can make anything by writing."
C.S. Lewis

Well, I came to APU as an undeclared major. Now, I'm proud to say I am pursuing a major in Journalism. God created me to write; He has given me this gift for a reason, while also giving me a passion for Nutrition. I have been accepted into the Nutrition program and will be minoring in Nutrition so that I can pursue my dream of becoming a Health Journalist.

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."
C.S. Lewis

"God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us."
C.S. Lewis

A man I greatly admire has constructed the words that I so deeply feel within my heart.
Thank you, Lord for the most amazing freshman year.