Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sunny for Days

The rain has come and gone. The California sunshine has reappeared. The birds are singing again. The heart is happy once again.

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"
-Proverbs 31:30

In God's beauty, I am truly speechless at the works of His great name. Behind us is a wall known as the prayer wall, which resembles the Wall in Jerusalem. When school is weighing me down or the spiritual struggles seems too hard to handle, I am reminded by this wall that I can go to God and find peace and comfort through His Holy Spirit. There are many things in this world that satisfy our needs, but it is His presence time and time again that comes and renews my spirit day by day. As for me, I will choose to fear the Lord and trust Him with all of my heart.

My dear friend Kristen joined me for today's blog post. This was actually one of the first days where we weren't somewhat matching. Her style is darling and I'm so glad that she wanted to join me for a quick photo shoot between classes. 

Kristen's Outfit: Skirt Gap, Shirt Banana Republic, Cardigan For.21

Dress For.21, Skirt Old Navy, Scarf(I wish I knew! My aunt gave it to me many years a go)

Enjoying the sun once again, I am excited for what February is going to bring! 

Also, I wanted to give a wonderful shout out to my beautiful friend, Riley Angell who was our amazing photographer for the day!

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