Sunday, January 27, 2013

Another Rainy Day

I absolutely love rainy days down here in Southern California. It reminds me of the weather back home. While there is none of that Monterey Bay fog, the rain will somewhat suffice for a reminder of home.There is something about wearing boots and walking through all the rain puddles. It reminds me of when I was a little girl, before I ever thought I would be attending college in So Cal.

Shirt For.21, Skirt Old Navy, Sweater Ross(Such great findings at this store!), Boots Tillys

There are a few essentials that can add a lot to any outfit. Mine consist of tights, scarfs, belts and hair accessories. Of course, I still keep it simple. I just bought this floral lace headwrap from Forever 21, which I absolutely adore.

It's weird how I have gotten into polka dots all of a sudden. This is the third time I have worn polka dots this week! Yes, dare say that I just love the vintage look it creates. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week Lovelies!

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