Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sunny for Days

The rain has come and gone. The California sunshine has reappeared. The birds are singing again. The heart is happy once again.

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"
-Proverbs 31:30

In God's beauty, I am truly speechless at the works of His great name. Behind us is a wall known as the prayer wall, which resembles the Wall in Jerusalem. When school is weighing me down or the spiritual struggles seems too hard to handle, I am reminded by this wall that I can go to God and find peace and comfort through His Holy Spirit. There are many things in this world that satisfy our needs, but it is His presence time and time again that comes and renews my spirit day by day. As for me, I will choose to fear the Lord and trust Him with all of my heart.

My dear friend Kristen joined me for today's blog post. This was actually one of the first days where we weren't somewhat matching. Her style is darling and I'm so glad that she wanted to join me for a quick photo shoot between classes. 

Kristen's Outfit: Skirt Gap, Shirt Banana Republic, Cardigan For.21

Dress For.21, Skirt Old Navy, Scarf(I wish I knew! My aunt gave it to me many years a go)

Enjoying the sun once again, I am excited for what February is going to bring! 

Also, I wanted to give a wonderful shout out to my beautiful friend, Riley Angell who was our amazing photographer for the day!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Another Rainy Day

I absolutely love rainy days down here in Southern California. It reminds me of the weather back home. While there is none of that Monterey Bay fog, the rain will somewhat suffice for a reminder of home.There is something about wearing boots and walking through all the rain puddles. It reminds me of when I was a little girl, before I ever thought I would be attending college in So Cal.

Shirt For.21, Skirt Old Navy, Sweater Ross(Such great findings at this store!), Boots Tillys

There are a few essentials that can add a lot to any outfit. Mine consist of tights, scarfs, belts and hair accessories. Of course, I still keep it simple. I just bought this floral lace headwrap from Forever 21, which I absolutely adore.

It's weird how I have gotten into polka dots all of a sudden. This is the third time I have worn polka dots this week! Yes, dare say that I just love the vintage look it creates. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week Lovelies!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Polka Dota

I guess since I just started this blog this week, I must have a blogger's fever or something, as I am posting on here nearly every night this week. Well, I just couldn't resist and had to post another outfit from this week yet again.

Waking up to a surprise this morning, a smile spread across my face as I realized it was raining. Thus, perfect weather for boots and a fun sweater and scarf. And who doesn't love polka dots?

Sweater and Skirt For.21, Boots Tillys, Colorful Scarf, Headband Urban Outfitters

I absolutely love rainy days! Who doesn't enjoy walking around and feeling the droplets rest on your face every once in a while?

Also, colorful tights add a lot to any outfit! Here I go bragging on Forever 21 again, but they have the best deals on tights. I don't mind paying a couple extra dollars for the thicker ones, as they prove to last longer. Plus, you can get tights in multiple colors!

I had to post a few pictures from today, a part from today's outfit. Everything comes to life when it is raining. Southern California seems so green, and the rain is definitely well needed.

Have a wonderful weekend lovelies!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I love Oxfords.

Vintage by my Oxfords
Kirra Shirt(Pac Sun), Midi Skirt For.21, Jean Jacket For.21, Oxfords Ebay

Yes, another Forever 21 outfit, but I honestly have to say that they have great clothing. Besides, if you have anything that is in your wardrobe that looks anything similar to these items of clothing, I hope to inspire you. Also, I really lucked out on my Oxfords. I never buy shoes online, but had to snap these adorable pair which ended up being both comfortable and fitting my foot exactly!

If you are looking into buying oxfords, brown ones are ideal as they go with absolutely everything. Also, I decided to do something a little different with my hair, which doesn't happen often with a busy, college life.
Perfect, ideal outfit for a long day at school!

I can't promise that I will be posting two outfits a week, but if I feel inspired and depending on my schedule, I might just have to. Continue to have a wonderful week beautiful women of God!

-Jennifer Malech

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week One: Casual Monday

Grace in His Eyes: Casual Monday

                        Cardigan: For.21 Scarf: For.21, Skirt: Thrift Store, Belt: For.21

Needless to say, this outfit is almost Forever 21 all the way. I adore their clothing and furthermore, love the prices. It is one of my ideal stores, especially as a college student. Also, I must add that I never used to shop at thrift stores until I started attending Azusa Pacific University. Sometimes, it is a hit or miss, but I scored on this darling skirt for only $3! Accessories include a brown belt, a light white scarf and floral print flowers in a casual up do.

Spending the day in Old town Pasadena, this maxi skirt proved to be quite comfortable for walking around all afternoon. I wore this particular maxi skirt above my waist line, and then belted it for a unique look. I also had my first cup of Intelligentsia coffee! It proved to be a fun, casual and beautiful Southern California Monday.

                                               Have a wonderful week!

Into to My Blog: Grace in His Eyes

I have always loved blogging, and for the first time, I have been inspired to write a Fashion Blog. Every week, I will try to upload an outfit of the week. Not only is this for me to be creative, but also to connect to other women and girls out there who are exemplifying the image that God wants his daughters to present themselves as in this world.

For a little background, I grew up in the Apostolic Pentecostal church, but had begun to shy away from the church when my parents divorced and I was stripped of everything I had ever been taught. When a young girl is thirteen and doesn't know who she is or quite what it is that she believes, it's a rough time for your parents to divorce. However, God had his hand on my life and it wasn't until the past few years that I came to understand who it is that I am in Christ.

My mother never gave me a lesson on modesty. I didn't understand a lot of things as, but it was by the Holy Spirit and a lot of guidance that I came to my own personal beliefs. I know this is a lot to take in, but bear with me. After looking at the scripture, the world around me, and myself, I have never felt so confident in the way that I dress. Now that I am in college, I dress the way that I do because of personal beliefs. While many other girls don't comprehend my own beliefs, I have earned a lot of respect. Also, guys admire modesty, whether we realize it or not. As a little girl, I thought it was a religious affiliation, but today, I am living in confidence to be the woman that God has always desired me to be. My modest apparel is not for anyone, but for the sake that I am desiring to live a life of holiness, in true Christ likeness.

Through this blog, I hope to answer any questions and reveal that you can be both stylish and modest! It wasn't until two months into college that girls asked me about the way I dress, because they thought my style was just vintage and cute. Well, yes, but there is a lot more meaning behind it all. I hope you enjoy this blog just as much as I will enjoy writing it and posting pictures of my outfits and treasure findings. Ultimately, I want to reveal that my style seeks grace in His eyes. Such a revelation is inevitable.