Monday, April 8, 2013


          Jennifer's Monday Thoughts.                                 
Sisters. There are quite a few connotations for this word. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word sister has several meanings.
First, a sister is a female who has one or both parents in common with one another. Second, a girl who is a member of a Christian church. Third, one that is closely similar to or associated with one another.

My sisters and I come from the same Father. He has crafted each of us with His precious hands and purposely brought the five of us together so that we may press on towards our eternal prize. 
While we are all a part of different churches, each of these girls have pushed me in my relationship with Our Father. I honestly have been changed by their constant presence in my life. One day without seeing them is difficult, but the heart only grows fonder with separation.
We are so similar, yet so different. The one thing that brought us together is our equal desire to serve for the Kingdom of God. Our hearts lie with all nations. 

Sisterhood is something that God created so that we can grow in fellowship with one another. We have cried together, prayed together and laughed for hours with one another. I am so thankful for the change they have brought to my life and I  cherish each of their friendships so much. It truly takes more than words to express how I feel.

A year a go, I was getting ready to transition into college. All summer long I prayed that God would bring the right friends into my life. He did just that. In fact, He surprised me, for each of them exceeded any expectations I had for friendships. 

Dear Johanna, Rachel, Savana and Cora, I don't think I could ever express how much each one of you means to me. Your friendships are an answer to prayer. We are sisters in the Kingdom and will become even more so as we embark on next year's journey to live with one another. God has brought me my life long friends.

This weekend, we did a future roommate/sister photo shoot in Claremont. I thought I would share some of the photos from our amazing day. Amazing doesn't suffice for the day, but it will have to do for this post. 

We are walking this journey together.
And taking delight in every little thing.

                                                                                      We have the joy of the Lord in our hearts.
                                                                                                 We know that we are pure through Him.
                                                                                       We have laughter that flows from His well.
                                                         We have been chosen.
                                                                                  We have received the crown of victory.
                                                                                         We know that we are His daughters of Zion.

The daughters are rising up. Sisterhood. Embrace it.