Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Springing into March

As February comes to an end, I am looking forward to the month of March. Spring is such an exciting season as everything begins to come to life. I am learning to breathe everything out and take all of God in.

Floral Shirt Old Navy, Skirt For.21, Belt Pac Sun, Scarf For.21

His beam of light continues to make its way into my life. 

While it's not quite ready to bring out the sandals, rugged brown boots go quite well with floral prints. 
Are you in love with floral prints just as much as I am? 

Today's Verse: "He will come to us like rain" -Hosea 6:3

As we enter a time of spring showers, we can become excited as we know that this is a season where God will begin to refresh lives with His overwhelming rain. Open up your hearts, close your eyes, and feel the rain as it inevitably begins to sweep the field of lilies: a field where His daughters are ready for growth and revival. 
My dear, He is ready for His daughters. We enter this season with praise on our lips.
He will lead the way and let us walk beside Him.
God has prepared a garden for us.

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart"
-Galations 6:9

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Two Weeks through the Eye of Instagram

Between classes, meetings, social events, and balancing everything in between, I have been so busy that I haven't been able to blog. While I don't have any specific pictures for a fashion post, I thought I would share how amazing these past two weeks have been and how God has significantly been moving in my life.

I believe that through everything we do, we can use it to glorify the Kingdom of God. A couple Saturdays a go, I went hiking with girls on my hall. It's called the Hike to the Cross, and let me tell you, the view is beyond picturesque. This picture is a portrayal of how God's light shines on us at all times. 

I wrote my very first article for my Journalism class and was sustained by coffee that night. The article was on Toms trip giveaway project, which is absolutely amazing. Blake Mycoskie, the CEO and founder of the shoe company stated the mission behind the giving trips.
 “"We want to take as many TOMS fans as possible on our Giving Trips, and the TOMS Ticket will give 50 people a chance to see a holistic approach to our giving.  Our hope is that our fans who win a TOMS Ticket and join us will have life-changing experiences, and they'll come back with a fresh perspective on their communities, their jobs, their lives ... and the lives of others." 

I spent an afternoon in Seven Palms, with a couple girls who God so happened to put in my life this past year. They have only pushed me to grow in the Lord and when friendships are centered around Christ, God just continues to bless that friendship. Not to mention it was absolutely a beautiful day out on the lawn surrounded by the southern California palm trees.

Valentine's Day
I spent the morning of Valentine's Day with the One who is my greatest love.

My little brother flew out to come visit me for the long three day weekend. Also, my mom drove down to visit me to spend a beautiful weekend in the 80 degree weather of So Cal.

Santa Monica

The view never gets old. 

It's that time of the semester again: midterms. This means that my nights are beginning to be spent in the Library. Luckily, my midterms are spread out and a couple of my classes only have me doing research papers as a midterm.

I hope you all continue to have a marvelous weekend! Look forward to a fashion blog post this upcoming week. I promise. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I had the wonderful opportunity of having some fun in between classes with one of my good friends, Kristen Phillips, who I have featured before. It was a great joy to be adventurous as we sought out whimsical places on campus to take pictures, while laughing all the while.

 Both of these outfits happen to be Forever 21 all the way. My scarf however was made by a girl on my hall, who gave it to me as a gift, as she knew that I absolutely love the mustard color. I adore it and have worn this scarf with a few of my outfits this week, which I normally don't do, but I was gloating over this pleasant surprise of a gift.

A true friend is there for you, even when you are unaware of it.

Friendship. I thought I would write a few words about how important friendship is. In coming to college, I have come to the realization of how important Christ centered friendships are in my walk with God. When you have found someone who stands by you through thick and thin, who is praying for you and just growing with you both spiritually and emotionally, there is nothing greater to ask for. There are friendships that God has placed in my life that I count as an infinite blessing, for even when I am miles away from some of my dearest friends, we seem as though we are right there with each other because of God's unconditional friendship with us. I certainly have been blessed and thank God every day for the beautiful people of God that He has placed in my life. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

"13.1 Miles. Because I'm only half crazy."

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" -Phillipians 4:13
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict raining. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." -I Corinthians 9:24-25

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me, for I accomplished one of my greatest dreams. I ran a half marathon, all 13.1 miles of it. The race took place along the beautiful Pacific Ocean in Huntington Beach. It was absolutely gorgeous, and was a lot of fun.

While my family couldn't be there for Race Day, since I live so far away from home, I was fortunate enough to have my cousin and her roommates there to support me. I am so blessed for her in my life and reminded of how good God is in a situation where I thought no one was going to be there that day.

Lastly, I finished the race, with my hand pointed towards heaven, praising God for all that He has done for me. I feel that no matter where you are, you can be a witness to the world.
So, with these last words, I say to you Run Girl Run...All towards the Prize set before us by the Glory of God.